Monday, April 14, 2008

Southeast Asian Petroleum Consumption Forecasts, 2007-2012

The following is an executive summary of a report detailing the forecasted petroleum consumption of Southeast Asian nations for the years 2007-2012. To purchase the full report (US$20), please e-mail me at

On a per-capita basis, Southeast Asian consumption of petroleum is expected to rise from the 2006 total of 2.7153 barrels per person to between 3.0979 barrels to 3.1109 barrels per person in the year 2012. In terms of the number of barrels of petroleum for the region, this comes to 1.8656 billion barrels to 1.9132 billion barrels, or 5.097 million barrels to 5.227 million barrels per day (b/d).

Most of the countries examined have tight to very tight correlations between their petroleum consumption and their GDP, meaning, the more petroleum the country consumes, the higher their GDP rises. Of the eight countries where such analyses can be made, five have correlations greater than 0.94 (where 1.0 indicates a perfect, positive correlation). However, Cambodia has shown a long-term negative correlation since 1984, where that country’s GDP has increased while its petroleum consumption has decreased, and the Philippines have shown a negative correlation since 1998.

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