Friday, April 25, 2008

Gold and the U.S. Dollar

A good article over at Afraid to with a long-term analysis (since 2000) of the relationship between gold and the U.S. dollar. Some excerpts:

Notice the shift that occurred at the ‘turn of the century’ where gold prices were at their lowest levels of the last decade and the US Dollar Index (along with the Stock Market) was making new highs. The market shifted in 2001 (as the recession began) and the price of gold (per ounce) has never looked back.

The US Dollar, on the other hand, is another story. The Dollar index peaked at 120 and is now 41% lower than it was at its peak. Gold, on the other hand, rose from $250 (per ounce) to a peak above $1,000 an ounce, rising 400% in the same 8 year period.

This also means that the value of a US dollar is worth much less in terms of gold prices than it was in 2,000. In 2000, if you were offered $1,000 in gold that you stored away, if you cashed in today, you would get back $4,000 (if converted into dollars). Of course, those dollars are worth less today than they were then, so it may be better to keep the investment in gold!


If the US Dollar Index reverses trend, then expect gold’s trend to pause or reverse as well. Until that happens, the current trend remains in force.

Check out the whole article!

HT: The Bonddad Blog

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